Make your organization the most secure it can be! Well-written security policies and procedures can improve your company by establishing clear guidelines, prioritizing objectives and communicating organizational knowledge to your entire staff.
Conversely, a staff with little knowledge of the proper procedures to follow can doom a company to disaster. This misfortune could take place slowly at a glacial pace or faster than anyone thought possible. But slowly or quickly, the calamity that ensues is caused by absent or improper policies and procedures.
How can your employees be successful in their jobs if they aren’t given the correct guidelines to follow and direction to take? The answer is, they can’t. Employees that have not been given concise procedures to perform their duties, or a set of policies to inform them what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior in the workplace can’t be expected to perform at their best. Unfortunately, in the majority of organizations, owners and managers expect ideal performance day after day, but fail to give employees the tools to succeed.
And when the deficient security policies and procedures relate to protection and safety of the workplace, these conditions could endanger the organization’s personnel, assets, client relationships and the ever-important company reputation.
Secure Strategies is the solution to this dilemma. Over the years we have provided these successful tools to thousands of employees, so everyone understands their responsibilities, duties and expectations.
What are security policies and procedures anyway?
A “policy” is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. It indicates a course of action, and are high-level statements that provide guidance to workers. An example might be, "All employees shall wear an identification badge." They can also be generalized requirements that must be written down and communicated to certain groups of people inside, and in some cases outside, the organization (e.g. "Weapons are not permitted inside this facility").
Policies are mandatory and can also be thought of as the equivalent of an organization-specific law. Special approval is required when a worker wishes to take a course of action that is not in compliance with policy.
“Procedures” are specific operational steps or methods that workers must employ to satisfy a policy. For instance, in many hospitals there are specific requirements for assuring the security of public entrances after normal business hours. In this example, a policy could describe the need for all perimeter doors to be secured after 5:00 pm. The corresponding procedure would detail the proper steps for a security officer to take to assure the doors are locked correctly, what to do if the locking hardware is malfunctioning and who to contact to ensure the repair will take place.
What are some examples of security policies and procedures?
Secure Strategies can give your employees the tools to succeed. We are well-versed in policy and procedure creation, implementation and training. Here are some examples of policy and procedure topics we've developed in the past to help companies be successful and secure:
Call us today to discuss how to make YOUR organization more secure, safe and productive.
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